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Branding Elements GFXhouse - Digital Branding Agency Logo Design Logo Redesigns

Building a successful brand is not a silly thing. It is not possible to create a brand by chance. A series of branding elements develop a successful brand. The next-generation brands adopt these elements to become successful. Some people think that a brand builds by hard work, passion, energy, and time you spend. But none of these are branding elements.

One brand is different from another brand because of these elements. We can make a brand unique by using these elements perfectly. There are multiple elements of branding. It is not necessary for every brand will use every element of branding. However, we will discuss every branding element required to build a brand.

Different Types of Branding Elements

There are almost 25 branding elements available to build a new brand effectively. All these elements work together to influence your brand reputation. Here we categorize the elements into main categories and subcategories.

  • Brand Substance Elements
  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values
  • Brand Positioning Elements
  • Audience understanding.
  • Competitor Analysis.
  • Brand Position.
  • Brand Personality Elements
  • Brand Archetypes.
  • Brand Voice.
  • Brand Communication Elements
  • Name
  • Tagline
  • Key Message
  • Brand Story
  • Brand Identity Elements
  • Logo
  • Typography
  • Color Palettes
  • Icons
  • Brand Illustration
  • Brand Presence Elements
  • Online or Offline Store
  • Website
  • Social Media Page


Brand Substance Elements

The brand substance elements highlight the basic figure of your business branding. It includes all necessary mapping and decision-making. The brand’s internal team will work on this. There are no visual elements in this section. All substance elements are like a marketing plan, guidance, or a road map.

It contains the brand’s purpose, mission, vision, and values. Every brand has a purpose for fulfilling its mission. They have a vision for which they strive to enhance brand value in a strategic way. These elements guide your business in the real market.

You cannot change these elements. Instead of changing, you can add some new branding strategies.


Brand Positioning Elements

The branding positioning elements decide where your brand will stand. There are various segments in the market. You cannot target every area of the market. So, you have to target a specific audience.

It includes audience understanding, competitor analysis, and brand statements. First, you have to understand your audience. The more you know them, the better your brand position becomes strong.

For example, do you target a male or female audience? Is your brand for young or old? Do you sell parenting products? Ask yourself such a question. You will understand where your audience stands.

You will find some competitors who already have your targeted audience in your position. You need to go through a competitor analysis to obtain those targeted audiences. It is a part of innovative branding.

Develop an internal statement for brand positioning. This statement clears the brand position to your business leadership team.


Brand Personality Elements

Brands should have a personality as we have as human beings. Every brand has a unique personality, like Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Though both are beverage brands, they have different personalities. These branding elements help to associate with intended customers.

Brand Archetype, language profile, and voice tone are part of brand personality. Archetype adds human characteristics to your brand that help a lot to develop a brand voice. A formal brand language profile can aim right audience that can make branding professional.

Each element of brand personality is also visible in the brand name, color, and style of the logo. They carry their personality in their branding strategy in marketing also.


Brand Communication Elements

The message you convey through certain brand elements helps communicate with the audience. Your brand position and personality will give you something to deliver and communicate with consumers.

You can deliver messages through brand name, tagline, key messages, or by telling the brand story. All these branding elements influence communication strategy. Even brands deliver different messages with different products for branding.

Strategic brand communication benefits to make clear communication with the audience. It influences building branding & identity. The brand name is the fast influential element in communicating with customers.

A punchy tagline has a high-influence level. An emotional slogan can be the most memorable branding element ever if utilized properly with brand personality.

Also, you must make an emotional and attractive brand story and design a set of key messages. Each and every element should be ideally implemented to catch people’s attraction. These elements are guiding tools of brand communication.


Brand Identity Elements

To understand brand identity, you need to know exactly what brand, branding, and brand identity mean. Most business owners cannot differentiate between these three things. A brand must be an easily recognizable name that immediately tells people about a particular company. Brand identity is the visual representation of that company. Its branding elements help people to recognize the brand.

Brand identity design includes stories, logos, color pallets, illustrations, typography, and icons. With all these visual elements, you can present your brand on social media, a website, or a TV screen. Some brands have specific branding identity templates. Human thinking can be aligned with a feel, mode, or idea with these visual branding elements.


Brand Presence Elements

After all those visual creations and making tons of strategic plans, it is time to put your leg in the physical world. Brand presence elements here will help you enter the digital and physical worlds.

It comprises websites, social media pages, advertising, and remote and physical shops. It is not mandatory to keep all these branding elements on your list. It is okay to have no online store. You can go with only physical stores.

Physical stores are indeed trusted more than online stores. But online stores are more cost-friendly. By having both, you can give your customer full authority to communicate. This is how brand presence works.



Many business owners do not have a good idea about the branding elements. They think that logos, icons, taglines, and colors are only the primary branding elements. Brand elements combine everything we include here to personalize your brand, make it recognizable, and help it grow in the competitive market. You cannot achieve this big thing only with some visual elements.


For a brand, it is not easy to include all 21 branding elements while branding. You tell me how many will you include at the beginning?

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